Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Holidays and loneliness

Holidays can be hard for those who are suicidal. People who feel hopeless or helpless or are alone could benefit from support of others during this holiday season.

If you know someone who seems lonely or alone...reach out and ask them how they are or if they need anything just to show you care. it might make a difference.

Slip them info about getting help or support too!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Healthcare Professionals Alert!

There is evidence that a great percentage of people who commit suicide have visited either their PCP or the emergency rooms with ailments. Some disclose their feelings of hopelessness or sadness verbally, while others demonstrate a sad, lonely or distressed demeanor.

Many times since medical healthcare providers are trained and experts of physiological ailments/disorders, they often disregard psychological health/illness symptoms. There are many factors and this can sometimes be understandable but it is not acceptable and needs to be addressed.

There are probably many opportunities for these front runners in healthcare to intervene and provide a supportive resources. They could be saving lives!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Sorry for the Interruption!

Sorry for the lapse in blogging. I took a month off to drive cross country. It was very inspiring and motivational. I highly recommend the challenging adventure!

Thanks for your continued support and patience while I was away!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Suicide Prevention Week: Third leading cause of death in adolescents

Suicide is an unpleasant and too often avoided topic. Suicide is the third leading cause of death for young people ages 15 - 24. It is only third behind homicides and accidents as stated in the Amercian Association of Suicidology Statistics. And based on reports there are probably more suicides that are reported as homicides and accidents for a number of reasons. The statistical fact sheets are always overwhelming. Some of the youth facts are listed below from the 2006 Statistics. It takes almost 3 years for these annual statistics to be complied and publicized.

• Each day, there are approximately 11.5 youth suicides in our nation.
• Every 2 hours and 5 minutes, a person under the age of 25 completes suicide in our nation.
• In 2006, 216 children ages 10 to 14 completed suicide in the U.S.
• Suicide rates for those between the ages of 10-14 increased over 50% between 1981 and 2006.
• Maryland ranks 34 in 2006 and approximately 9.1 youth ages 15-19 completed suicide per every 100,000. That equals 4189 young people in 2006.

The primary focus of Suicide Prevention Week is to raise awareness that suicide can be prevented. If more people were informed about the warning signs and basic prevention skills many lived could be saved.

There is much to understand and learn about suicide. Everyone is not expected to become an expert, but just as people learn preventative measures for so many other safety and health issues, people should be motivated to learn more about the prevention of suicide.

It is important that people understand the trends, possible causes, and warning signs for youth suicide. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) has published articles to help keep others informed.

One important point is that there is no type of person who commits suicide and the reason that any one person might consider suicide can be very different from the reasons that might cause another person to become suicidal. Everyone has mental health and can become ill or suicidal, so anyone could be at risk for suicide.

Warnings signs and symptoms of suicidal thinking are not always blatant or obvious but can be more subtle. Warnings signs are important to know and are listed on many reputable sites (warnings signs and risk factors), however, people must feel informed and confident about what to do when they recognize potential warning signs. Warning signs in children or adolescents might be even more masked or underlying since children are less able to recognize unhealthy thinking, are afraid, embarrassed, or have the needed vocabulary, and are more vulnerable in general.

There are many reputable sites and many professional ready to help provide information or intervention. Please be aware, get informed, and prepared to take action in the event you or someone you know is in need of help. A few minutes to listen, talk, learn, or find help could save your life or the life of someone you love.

Lifeline is a national suicide prevention organization among many available for assistance regarding suicide prevention and intervention. Grassroots Crisis Intervention Center is a local suicide prevention and intervention agency available located in Columbia, Maryland.

Please call if you or someone you know has any questions or concerns to get the support, resources, and help that can save a life.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Suicide and those you knew

Have you had someone you know commit suicide? or attempt suicide?

Are you OK? Have you talked with a professional about how you feel or the impact this experience has made upon you? If not I am recommending that you do?
If you have , has the interaction helped you cope and be healthy? If not I recommend you seek another professional.

If you know someone who has attempted, do you know what to say or do? are you OK? is there an continuous underlying stress or do you feel confident about all you do and think?

If not I recommend talking with a suicide prevention and intervention specialist.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Substance Use and Abuse

Using substances to self medicate is common. Most people use substances to make themselves feel better. Unfortunately it works but the effects are temporary. The bigger problem is that using substances usually causes other problems...many other problems.

Problems include: poor judgment, accidents, financial problems, irrational thinking and decisions making, absenteeism from work or school, poor memory, reduced productivity, physical ailments, ( many) and psychological issues...depression and anxiety are a very common effects from abuse or use of substances.

Suicidal behavior is MUCH more likely when someone is using as compared to someone sober.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Woman and suicide

Woman attempt suicide more often than men. Men complete suicide more often than women. One of the cause of this difference is that the method used more often by men is more lethal.

Women predominantly use drugs to overdose in an attempt to commit suicide and often do not know what a lethal dosage would be.

Men tend to use fire arms which obviously would be less likely to fail at an attempt.

As always there are many other factors to consider and each individual is unique.

If you are aware of these stats it could help you be better informed and to be aware of a potentially lethal situation.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Please let me know your thoughts

If you have questions or comments about suicide please share them with me. If you know someone who might be suicidal and have questions about how to approach them or help in some way please let me know.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Teens and Suicide

Though there are times when teens threaten suicide or say they wish they were dead, during a heated moment or out of frustration, these threats cannot be ignored or taken lightly.

Suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death for teen and young adults ages 15-24. Suicidal behavior in teens is more profound than most people realize.

Even if a teen often uses the threat of suicide as a strategy to manipulate and has never indicated a method or any other warning signs, this is clearly a serious concern. At best this is still a serious behavioral problem or an indication of some other cry for help. There is a reason why this behavior is occurring.

Never leave a teen or anyone alone when they have expressed or otherwise indicated a desire to kill themselves or even hurt themselves.

It is important that the teen is assessed and has a professional to talk with to ensure safety and appropriate intervention or treatment to help minimize or eliminate such distress.

Please take suicide threats very seriously and contact a professional.

Friday, July 31, 2009

During natural or big crisis suicide decreases

It is fascinating that during times of social crisis such as natural disaster or political disorder suicide rates are shown to decrease. One theory could be that individuals have an ability to find emotional strength and will when they feel it is necessary for the betterment of society or others.

There are many other possibilities for why this statistic has been found but it would make sense that those who are suicidal often find themselves enduring much psychological pain for the sake of others.

Please if you know someone who is suicidal please encourage them to call a professional interventionist for help!

Suicidal thoughts are often temporary

Though suicide is a very serious thought. It often is just a thought ... a temporary and passing thought. It is always a good idea to learn more about feeling suicidal or helping someone else to learn more if you think or know they are considering suicide.

Many more people than one can realize considers suicide at some point in their life and work through their distress. This can provide some relief to people, however, on the flip sound, there are still many people that do not seek help or that cannot find what is effective for them.

The important thing to take away from this blog is that those people who contemplate suicide, can more often than not get knowledge, skills, treatment, and the help that can be effective moving on to live an even more appreciated, fantastic, happy, healthy life.

Remember always the key is being able to get EFFECTIVE help.

Dr. Phil and Suicide

Dr. Phil invited Eric Steel to share his story on his show today. This is wonderful and long over due in my opinion. He also invited others who have lost loved ones by suicide.

As stated in many of my posts, talking about suicide is important. I hope many are able to watch this show. If not please review the information which was presented on the show by visiting his website.

Mostly Mr. Steel had an opportunity to present his perspective of making his very controversial film, The Bridge Other individuals shared their very sad stories about loved ones that they had lost. These individuals talked a little about their emotions and lives after these losses.

Most importantly the show was intended...just as is this spark the conversation about suicide in order to heighten awareness, increase knowledge, development of suicide prevention skills, and help save lives.

Please send a comment if you have questions or want specific information.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Circumstances and Situations

Different circumstances and situations can cause great distress for individuals. As stated before events or situations that would cause one person to feel as though they can not bear to live another day would cause another person to feel suicidal.

It is important to understand that different circumstances, situations, or events can cause some individuals to begin to consider suicide even if they have never exhibited any warning signs or ever thought about suicide before.

Depending on age, mental capacity to cope and other factors, situations like unhealthy relationships, failing grades, problems at work, legal issues, deaths, violence, or victimization could be some of the problems that could cause someone to become suicidal.

Suicide is not limited to those with long term illnesses. There are no types for suicide. Almost everyone has something they feel they could not tolerate in life.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact me or any of the crisis centers listed for help.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Elderly and suicide

The elderly have a very high rate of suicide. Getting older has many unpleasant aspects. One main reason is increase of medical issues as well as psychological issues. When a person's body ages it begins to lose the abilities it had during previous years. This is a difficult fact to accept.

Socialization also differs in senior years and the loss of loved ones can begin to cause a loss in spirit or will to live, or depression. Feeling old and isolated or lonely is common.

Many elderly contemplate suicide. If you know someone who is elderly and presents any of the warning signs discussed in these blogs, please go to them and talk with them about their thoughts.

Elderly people have an entire life of experiences to share. It is always odd how young people seem to think older people have just always been old people...duh???

Many elderly could benefit from a compassionate person to help them change their life. If someone you know appears depressed, ask if they are thinking about suicide. Simply say " Do you ever think about suicide?" It seems hard but it is important and can save lives. ( another topic for another day)

Please be kind and respectful to the elderly. There is only one alternative to aging and that is death. So unless you die too will one day experience what it is like to be elderly.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Suicide and Emergency Room Visits

There has been studies done that indicate people who are considering suicide have been seen in the ED Emergency Department within a short period of time (1 year) prior to their suicide as reported by family members.

These people sometimes were seen for medical reasons and sometimes psychological distress.

It is being considered that working with everyone in EDs to better educate and prepare for assessment and intervention would be beneficial in reducing the number of successful completions.

Please learn and read more about suicide prevention.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Suicide Group with Guest Speaker

Many people have suicidal thoughts. People can help to prevent suicide.

If you are interested in inviting a few people to your home or if you want your family to be better informed about suicide. Please consider inviting a guest speaker to your home.

Knowledge is key to the prevention of suicide.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Being alone

Today is a good day to check in with someone who is alone. It might be a neighbor, a friend, a relative. When people are alone or rather lonely they sometimes feel sad or depressed. Feeling isolated or alone can be very sad and challenging for some people. It can also be a factor for being suicidal. Please check in with someone and help them feel like someone cares.
And remember NEVER leave someone alone who is suicidal!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Suicidal thoughts and emotional health?

Suicidal thoughts and behaviors are psychological disturbances. Often suicidal thoughts and behaviors accompany other emotional disturbances, including depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia.

More than 90% of all suicides are known to be related to a mood disorder or other mental illness.

Many professionals consider suicidal behavior in any case a psychological impairment simply because it is unhealthy and potentially unsafe to consider death as the only option or solution to life circumstances.

Being able to think in healthy ways means being psychologically healthy. Thinking in healthy ways includes being able to cope, be positive, have hope, choose safety, and any thoughts, feelings, and behaviors which promote, enhance, or protect healthy living.

Catchy and quite a bit to think about!

From the beginning: Definition and causes

Let's start with a definition:

Suicide is the act of someone deliberately taking one's own life. Suicidal behavior is any deliberate action with potentially life-threatening consequences, such as shooting oneself with intention to kill oneself, taking a drug overdose intentionally, or deliberately crashing a car in hope to not be alive anymore.


Suicidal thoughts and behaviors often occur in response to circumstances that are perceived or realized as overwhelming and intolerable, such as:

  • Death of a loved one
  • Family member who committed suicide (almost always someone who shared a common mood disorder)
  • Emotional Trauma
  • Guilty feelings
  • Physical illness
  • Financial problems
  • Social Isolation
  • Aging

There are many other causes for suicide. It is important to realize that anyone is at risk depending on their genetics and learned psychological well being. Something that causes one person to consider suicide would not be something to cause another person to consider suicide, but anyone could have something that could cause them to consider ending their life!

Does the cause is different for everyone who considers is most important to know how to recognize warning signs or indications of suicidal thought and what to do...!

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Why do people wait until someone in serious crisis before they believe intervention is necessary. Suicide intervention can begin long before someone is days, hours, or minutes before committing suicide. There are many warning signs and indications that a person could be considering suicide. Please learn more about the warning signs and indications today!

For warning signs (click here)

Please Help Amanda in her efforts to prevent suicide

Today I pass along a letter from a young woman. This woman lost her dad to suicide and has made great strides to prevent suicide. Please take a moment to read her story and request. Help any way you can.

Dear Friends,

Its that time of year again and I need your support! In 2008, more than 40,000 participants across the United States took steps to help save lives by walking in one of the 156 Out of the Darkness Community Walk locations. Together, participants raised over $3.6 million for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP). This year, one of the over 200 community walk locations will take place on November 8, 2009 at Towson University, in hopes of creating awareness and more funds for aggressive mental health research within the local community. Last year this walk raised over $20,000! I alone raised close to $1000! Our goal this is to double the total amount raised to over $40,000 and I hope to raise at least $2,000! You can help me by donating to this great cause and/or walking with me at the event!

AFSP is the leading not-for-profit organization exclusively dedicated to understanding and preventing suicide through research and education, and to reaching out to people with mood disorders and those impacted by suicide. Since 1987, AFSP has supported research that is improving our understanding of suicide and its prevention. Since 2000, AFSP has invested over $6.6 million in new studies, as well as provided education and information through public workshops, trainings, videos, publications and public service announcements.

This event is incredibly important to me because on May 12, 2000 my father died by suicide. As you can imagine this was a traumatic event in my life but has made me the person that I am today and I wouldn't change that for the world. I have turned my loss into the most positive event that I possibly can by supporting American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Currently, I am vice-chair of the Maryland Chapter of the American Foundation for suicide prevention. This role requires me to teach suicide prevention and education in the state of Maryland, organize fundraising events such at this walk to bring awareness, fund research and provide help to those like me who have suffered from depression and/or lost someone to suicide.

I know times are very tough right now for many families and this is why I am asking you to donate whatever you can comfortably afford. However keep in mind whatever is donated can be written off of your taxes at the end of the year! I hope you consider this opportunity. To support me please go to (, search community walks and search my name, Amanda Bruce) and click support me OR mail a check made out to AFSP and in the FOR section put my name Amanda Bruce/Baltimore walk.

With your help, The Out of the Dark Community Walks can hit the $4 million mark! As our signature event, the community walks are designed to help raise both awareness and funds for research and treatment for those with depression and that are suicidal. This is your invitation to become a sponsor, and join us in the fight against mental illnesses.

If you mail a check please send it to
Amanda Bruce
8224 Brushyridge RD
Laurel MD 20724

If you have any questions, please feel free to me at 443-538-9909 or send me an email back. Feel free to pass this on to any friends or family! Thank you for your time and consideration.


Amanda L. Bruce
8224 Brushyridge RD
Laurel MD 20724

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Down in the dumps?

If you know someone who is always down in the dumps, seemingly sad, depressed, withdrawn, or lonely ask them how they are doing and ask them if they ever think about suicide? You might be surprised at their answer. If they answer your best to have them contact a suicide hotline, go to a professional, or be sure they are safe until you can ensure they are getting help.

There are lots of people that can help.

Monday, July 13, 2009

People you know

It is very likely that someone you know has thought about suicide. Many people consider suicide during their lifetime. Many are able to find a way to healthy thoughts and feelings again but I bet if you think about it you know of someone in your life that has committed suicide. Though people generally do not talk much about suicide (see previous blog) it is important to recognize that suicide is all around us. People YOU know could be considering suicide today. It is important for every person to commit to learning more about suicide and how to intervene if necessary.

Please make the effort to learn more and know what to do if you are in contact with someone who might need your help. It might save the life of someone you love.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Completed Suicides - Are they preventable?

Everyone must realize especially survivors of loved ones who have completed suicide that though we want to see society free of suicide forever, suicide will probably happen.
If someone has decided that they want to commit suicide and they do not seek or receive help that works for them they can and sometimes will complete suicide. I am very very sorry.
Professional who work very hard to learn and understand the best methods to help suicidal individuals strive for a suicide free community and world. Unfortunately it is a fact to date that some people still can commit suicide. Some people never seek help, while others try for years to get help that will change their life and prevent them from being suicidal. Sometimes successful intervention or treatment does not happen. Please know suicide can be prevented but also remember sometimes it cannot.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


When someone is suicidal they feel they are out of choices. They feel as though all options have been exhausted. They are feel as though suicide is the only option left to resolve their pain.

People who are suicidal often want to live but not as they are living now. If there was a way to fix or resolve the problems or whatever is causing such physical or psychological distress, then they would often choose to live.

Problem is that once someone reaches a point of seriously considering suicide as their only option, they also may lose sight of other viable options or other reasons to live. It is very important that these individuals talk with a suicide intervention professional to help them think about their choices and why they might still have reasons to live. They might want to talk with a professional to be sure the really have exhausted all their options, because suicide is permanent. Suicide is final. Suicide might not be the best or only option.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Talk about suicide

There are several myths regarding suicide. One of the myths is that people believe talking about suicide will cause someone to commit suicide. People are afraid to talk about suicide because they are afraid. People talking about things does not cause people to take action. There are may factors which can contribute to suicide, there is no indication that talking about suicide is a factor fir committing suicide. In fact the opposite is shown to be true. Studies show that one effective intervention is to talk about suicide directly. So with this knowledge people should be sure to address suicide directly if they ever have concern.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Suicide and Our Veterans

Today is Independence Day for the United State of America. Many of our military men and women are overseas. Many are back home in the United States and contemplating suicide. Suicide rates for those who have served in our armed forces has increased tremendously. These individuals are subjected to various factors which lead to thoughts of suicide. This is a very multifaceted problem.

What is important is that any individual who knows someone who is in the military or a veteran, please be advised of the higher risks for these individuals regarding thoughts of suicide. These individuals are at greater risks and the rates of completed suicides is evidence enough for anyone to be on alert.
Please continue to read and learn more about suicide. Please learn how to identify, intervene, and assist with getting professional help. Those veterans who are suicidal please reach out and seek help. There are many of us capable, ready, and more than willing to work with you to get healthy and happy have helped many and done great things it is time to let others help you do great things for yourself!

Friday, July 3, 2009

People who commit suicide are selfish...?

I have often been disturbed by hearing people say that those who commit suicide are selfish. And these people actually believe that people who are in such psychological pain are thinking "I really don't care about anyone else, I am going to take the easy way out." Who can believe that suicide is easy? Who can think that taking your life is an EASY way to go? And as far as caring about others...most suicidal individuals suffer for a very long time because of their concern for others. Suicidal individuals often try everything they can to feel better because of their love or concern for others. People who commit suicide often leave notes for those they love that express their intense apology and love. If they didn't care about how others feel would they leave a note? And what about people who want to die when they are in physical pain? Are they selfish too? Suicidal people feel so bad about life and themselves that they sincerely believe that others will be better off without them. Feeling like you cannot live another moment must be incredibly wretched. If people who believe suicidal individuals are selfish I would recommend spending a little time talking with those who experience this psychological dilemma. If they did I am sure they would discover that suicidal individuals would give anything or everything to not feel as they do if that was possible. Oh that's right they do give everything ...they even give their life!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Attitude about suicide

Suicide is a difficult subject. It is a topic most people avoid discussing. Even professionals have difficulty until they are well trained and seasoned to say the words " are you thinking about suicide?" to a client or caller. People avoid talking about suicide for many reasons. Some reasons include being afraid, wanting to deny it happens, anxiety, lack of knowledge, or a negative attitude about suicide. Some people know that they have a very negative opinion about suicide and do not wan to talk about it.

The sad part is that talking about suicide will help people to understand not only their own thoughts and attitudes about it better, but other peoples thoughts and attitudes as well. So it should be a topic that is spoken about much more often. In fact discussion and education about suicide is one of the best approaches to prevention.

The reason this topic is important, I mean your attitude about suicide, is because your attitude will either hinder or assist you in any efforts to recognize or assist in a time of need. How you think, and therefore feel about suicide, will determine how you react and respond to warning signs that a person may demonstrate. Your attitude will affect how you behave. Whether you choose to ignore warning signs or take action and why you choose to do so could make a difference. Your attitude could either hinder or enhance the likelihood that you would save a life or not!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Some warning signs

Some warning signs that indicate the possibility that a person is considering suicide is withdrawn behavior, isolation, giving away possessions, loss of interest in hobbies or activities, abuse of alcohol or drugs, reckless behavior, extreme behavior changes, self-mutilation, sleep disturbances, lock of hygiene, change or loss of appetite or weight, physical health complaints, stressful events, losses, depression, anger, impulsivity, worthlessness, guilt, loneliness, sadness, hopelessness, helplessness, and negative thoughts and comments. Comments like "I wish I were dead", "I can't take it anymore." "I can't think straight anymore." "I won't need this anymore." "I can't do anything." "Everyone would be better off without me." "All my problems will be over soon." "Now I know what other feel like." "No one can do anything for me."

Any one or combination of these behaviors, feelings, actions, could be an indication of suicidal ideation.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Never leave someone who is suicidal alone

One thing that is very important for all people to know is that you should NEVER leave someone who is suicidal alone. Of course unless trained about suicide many people would not identify warning signs of suicidal persons. (Everyone should get trained - preferably by an ASIST program - see link for or ASIST ). However there are many occasions when people do know that someone is suicidal, for example if they say so or are very depressed and making more subtle statements about not being able to deal with life anymore. Again if you get some training you would know the all the warning signs. Bottom line is if you even think someone might be thinking about suicide, DO NOT under any circumstance leave that person alone. Be sure you or someone will remain with the person until safety can be ensured. Just this one decision could save a life.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Suicide Types?

One of the myths about suicide that must be clarified is the belief that only certain people are the type of person to commit suicide. Everyone and anyone is at risk for suicide. An event or chain of events in one's life that might cause a person to consider suicide is different for every individual. If you think about some type of psychological pain that you could not bear to live with then you can possibly imagine considering suicide as a solution to resolving that pain. Some people feel they could not live in chronic physical pain all day every day and they would rather be dead than to live with such pain. That is what it is like for those who have unbearable psychological pain and cannot live with it. Yes we are all different. Our genetics plays a role in how our nervous system and brain functions, but we all also have our learned cognitive, emotional and behavioral functioning too. And everyone has the potential to experience things that could cause immense psychological pain. Some say they could not live after the loss of a child, others find day to day life miserable due to psychological illness, and some cannot manage their guilt, worry, grief, trauma, depression, anxiety, or other losses. It is different for everyone. The important thing is that suicide is preventable if effective treatment for such psychological pain can be implemented. Again this will be different for each person, but help is all around. There are many professionals who can understand and work with any suicidal individual to find a comprehensive plan and ensure life to prevail. It is about an individual deciding to live and that is up to each of us.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Adolescents and statistics

Suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death among youth ages 15- 24. Suicide follows only car accidents and homicide. There a many unbelievable statistics about suicide and the general public needs to be more aware. Many youth attempt suicide. There are also many suicidal deaths that are never reported as suicides for a variety of reasons, which include but is not limited to religion, uncertainty of death, accidents, personal preference due to the negative stigma in society. Therefore, the number of suicides among youth would be much higher if all were reported. It is imminent that people become more educated about the warning signs of suicidal thinking and what to do. If you know a teen or young adult who you think could be suicidal or who has mentioned suicide please contact a professional for help with the situation.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Blog Problem Again and So Sorry

The warning you have received is apparently an automated warning for new bloggers. I sincerely apologize for the confusion. I waited until I had a few blogs up and running for a few days just to be sure there were no kinks before I sent this blog address out to so many of you who requested it and today I received word that it needs to be checked and reviewed to prevent spam bloggers. All is well intended.

Thanks for reading and hopefully this blog will continue without further problems.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Please call and talk

If you are reading this blog it is likely that you or someone you know might be having thoughts of suicide. Many people have thoughts of suicide. It is important to realize that talking with someone about suicidal thoughts directly is the one of the most helpful aspects of prevention and intervention.
Preferably if you or someone you know is having thoughts of suicide, it is best that you or they speak with someone who understands suicide and is trained to talk with suicidal persons. The links on this page are a good resource. Please call and talk.

Monday, June 22, 2009

What is 'Decide to Live' ?

Decide to Live is a blog which hopefully will heighten awareness and advocate for everyone to learn more about suicide. It is where people can read, become healthier, and smarter. Hopefully, people will be more motivated and capable to make positive changes either in their own life or in the lives of others.

Please note that the term 'decide to live' is the not intended to sound like a command to anyone who is having thoughts of suicide. Those thoughts are serious, need to be considered, discussed with a professional, and 'deciding to live' is the hope for all individuals.

Sorry for the Interruption!

OOPS! Due to an unfortunate technical problem savetheparents blog experienced a brief delay!
We are back and will be here everyday, hopefully you will be here too!
Again ...our most sincere apology!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Suicide is around us

Suicide is around us and we need to talk about it more! Suicide and thoughts of suicide are sad, scary, real, and more profound than most people realize. Please open your mind and allow yourself to learn, think, and make positive changes. Starting today...starting now!