Friday, July 31, 2009
During natural or big crisis suicide decreases
There are many other possibilities for why this statistic has been found but it would make sense that those who are suicidal often find themselves enduring much psychological pain for the sake of others.
Please if you know someone who is suicidal please encourage them to call a professional interventionist for help!
Suicidal thoughts are often temporary
Many more people than one can realize considers suicide at some point in their life and work through their distress. This can provide some relief to people, however, on the flip sound, there are still many people that do not seek help or that cannot find what is effective for them.
The important thing to take away from this blog is that those people who contemplate suicide, can more often than not get knowledge, skills, treatment, and the help that can be effective moving on to live an even more appreciated, fantastic, happy, healthy life.
Remember always the key is being able to get EFFECTIVE help.
Dr. Phil and Suicide
As stated in many of my posts, talking about suicide is important. I hope many are able to watch this show. If not please review the information which was presented on the show by visiting his website.
Mostly Mr. Steel had an opportunity to present his perspective of making his very controversial film, The Bridge Other individuals shared their very sad stories about loved ones that they had lost. These individuals talked a little about their emotions and lives after these losses.
Most importantly the show was intended...just as is this spark the conversation about suicide in order to heighten awareness, increase knowledge, development of suicide prevention skills, and help save lives.
Please send a comment if you have questions or want specific information.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Circumstances and Situations
It is important to understand that different circumstances, situations, or events can cause some individuals to begin to consider suicide even if they have never exhibited any warning signs or ever thought about suicide before.
Depending on age, mental capacity to cope and other factors, situations like unhealthy relationships, failing grades, problems at work, legal issues, deaths, violence, or victimization could be some of the problems that could cause someone to become suicidal.
Suicide is not limited to those with long term illnesses. There are no types for suicide. Almost everyone has something they feel they could not tolerate in life.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact me or any of the crisis centers listed for help.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Elderly and suicide
The elderly have a very high rate of suicide. Getting older has many unpleasant aspects. One main reason is increase of medical issues as well as psychological issues. When a person's body ages it begins to lose the abilities it had during previous years. This is a difficult fact to accept.
Socialization also differs in senior years and the loss of loved ones can begin to cause a loss in spirit or will to live, or depression. Feeling old and isolated or lonely is common.
Many elderly contemplate suicide. If you know someone who is elderly and presents any of the warning signs discussed in these blogs, please go to them and talk with them about their thoughts.
Elderly people have an entire life of experiences to share. It is always odd how young people seem to think older people have just always been old people...duh???
Many elderly could benefit from a compassionate person to help them change their life. If someone you know appears depressed, ask if they are thinking about suicide. Simply say " Do you ever think about suicide?" It seems hard but it is important and can save lives. ( another topic for another day)
Friday, July 24, 2009
Suicide and Emergency Room Visits
These people sometimes were seen for medical reasons and sometimes psychological distress.
It is being considered that working with everyone in EDs to better educate and prepare for assessment and intervention would be beneficial in reducing the number of successful completions.
Please learn and read more about suicide prevention.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Suicide Group with Guest Speaker
If you are interested in inviting a few people to your home or if you want your family to be better informed about suicide. Please consider inviting a guest speaker to your home.
Knowledge is key to the prevention of suicide.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Being alone
And remember NEVER leave someone alone who is suicidal!
Friday, July 17, 2009
Suicidal thoughts and emotional health?
More than 90% of all suicides are known to be related to a mood disorder or other mental illness.
Many professionals consider suicidal behavior in any case a psychological impairment simply because it is unhealthy and potentially unsafe to consider death as the only option or solution to life circumstances.
Being able to think in healthy ways means being psychologically healthy. Thinking in healthy ways includes being able to cope, be positive, have hope, choose safety, and any thoughts, feelings, and behaviors which promote, enhance, or protect healthy living.
Catchy and quite a bit to think about!
From the beginning: Definition and causes
Suicide is the act of someone deliberately taking one's own life. Suicidal behavior is any deliberate action with potentially life-threatening consequences, such as shooting oneself with intention to kill oneself, taking a drug overdose intentionally, or deliberately crashing a car in hope to not be alive anymore.
Suicidal thoughts and behaviors often occur in response to circumstances that are perceived or realized as overwhelming and intolerable, such as:
- Death of a loved one
- Family member who committed suicide (almost always someone who shared a common mood disorder)
- Emotional Trauma
- Guilty feelings
- Physical illness
- Financial problems
- Social Isolation
- Aging
There are many other causes for suicide. It is important to realize that anyone is at risk depending on their genetics and learned psychological well being. Something that causes one person to consider suicide would not be something to cause another person to consider suicide, but anyone could have something that could cause them to consider ending their life!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
For warning signs (click here)
Please Help Amanda in her efforts to prevent suicide
Dear Friends,
Its that time of year again and I need your support! In 2008, more than 40,000 participants across the United States took steps to help save lives by walking in one of the 156 Out of the Darkness Community Walk locations. Together, participants raised over $3.6 million for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP). This year, one of the over 200 community walk locations will take place on November 8, 2009 at Towson University, in hopes of creating awareness and more funds for aggressive mental health research within the local community. Last year this walk raised over $20,000! I alone raised close to $1000! Our goal this is to double the total amount raised to over $40,000 and I hope to raise at least $2,000! You can help me by donating to this great cause and/or walking with me at the event!
AFSP is the leading not-for-profit organization exclusively dedicated to understanding and preventing suicide through research and education, and to reaching out to people with mood disorders and those impacted by suicide. Since 1987, AFSP has supported research that is improving our understanding of suicide and its prevention. Since 2000, AFSP has invested over $6.6 million in new studies, as well as provided education and information through public workshops, trainings, videos, publications and public service announcements.
This event is incredibly important to me because on May 12, 2000 my father died by suicide. As you can imagine this was a traumatic event in my life but has made me the person that I am today and I wouldn't change that for the world. I have turned my loss into the most positive event that I possibly can by supporting American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Currently, I am vice-chair of the Maryland Chapter of the American Foundation for suicide prevention. This role requires me to teach suicide prevention and education in the state of Maryland, organize fundraising events such at this walk to bring awareness, fund research and provide help to those like me who have suffered from depression and/or lost someone to suicide.
I know times are very tough right now for many families and this is why I am asking you to donate whatever you can comfortably afford. However keep in mind whatever is donated can be written off of your taxes at the end of the year! I hope you consider this opportunity. To support me please go to (, search community walks and search my name, Amanda Bruce) and click support me OR mail a check made out to AFSP and in the FOR section put my name Amanda Bruce/Baltimore walk.
With your help, The Out of the Dark Community Walks can hit the $4 million mark! As our signature event, the community walks are designed to help raise both awareness and funds for research and treatment for those with depression and that are suicidal. This is your invitation to become a sponsor, and join us in the fight against mental illnesses.
If you mail a check please send it to
Amanda Bruce
8224 Brushyridge RD
Laurel MD 20724
If you have any questions, please feel free to me at 443-538-9909 or send me an email back. Feel free to pass this on to any friends or family! Thank you for your time and consideration.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Down in the dumps?
There are lots of people that can help.
Monday, July 13, 2009
People you know
Please make the effort to learn more and know what to do if you are in contact with someone who might need your help. It might save the life of someone you love.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Completed Suicides - Are they preventable?
If someone has decided that they want to commit suicide and they do not seek or receive help that works for them they can and sometimes will complete suicide. I am very very sorry.
Professional who work very hard to learn and understand the best methods to help suicidal individuals strive for a suicide free community and world. Unfortunately it is a fact to date that some people still can commit suicide. Some people never seek help, while others try for years to get help that will change their life and prevent them from being suicidal. Sometimes successful intervention or treatment does not happen. Please know suicide can be prevented but also remember sometimes it cannot.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
People who are suicidal often want to live but not as they are living now. If there was a way to fix or resolve the problems or whatever is causing such physical or psychological distress, then they would often choose to live.
Problem is that once someone reaches a point of seriously considering suicide as their only option, they also may lose sight of other viable options or other reasons to live. It is very important that these individuals talk with a suicide intervention professional to help them think about their choices and why they might still have reasons to live. They might want to talk with a professional to be sure the really have exhausted all their options, because suicide is permanent. Suicide is final. Suicide might not be the best or only option.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Talk about suicide
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Suicide and Our Veterans
What is important is that any individual who knows someone who is in the military or a veteran, please be advised of the higher risks for these individuals regarding thoughts of suicide. These individuals are at greater risks and the rates of completed suicides is evidence enough for anyone to be on alert.
Please continue to read and learn more about suicide. Please learn how to identify, intervene, and assist with getting professional help. Those veterans who are suicidal please reach out and seek help. There are many of us capable, ready, and more than willing to work with you to get healthy and happy have helped many and done great things it is time to let others help you do great things for yourself!
Friday, July 3, 2009
People who commit suicide are selfish...?

I have often been disturbed by hearing people say that those who commit suicide are selfish. And these people actually believe that people who are in such psychological pain are thinking "I really don't care about anyone else, I am going to take the easy way out." Who can believe that suicide is easy? Who can think that taking your life is an EASY way to go? And as far as caring about others...most suicidal individuals suffer for a very long time because of their concern for others. Suicidal individuals often try everything they can to feel better because of their love or concern for others. People who commit suicide often leave notes for those they love that express their intense apology and love. If they didn't care about how others feel would they leave a note? And what about people who want to die when they are in physical pain? Are they selfish too? Suicidal people feel so bad about life and themselves that they sincerely believe that others will be better off without them. Feeling like you cannot live another moment must be incredibly wretched. If people who believe suicidal individuals are selfish I would recommend spending a little time talking with those who experience this psychological dilemma. If they did I am sure they would discover that suicidal individuals would give anything or everything to not feel as they do if that was possible. Oh that's right they do give everything ...they even give their life!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Attitude about suicide
The sad part is that talking about suicide will help people to understand not only their own thoughts and attitudes about it better, but other peoples thoughts and attitudes as well. So it should be a topic that is spoken about much more often. In fact discussion and education about suicide is one of the best approaches to prevention.
The reason this topic is important, I mean your attitude about suicide, is because your attitude will either hinder or assist you in any efforts to recognize or assist in a time of need. How you think, and therefore feel about suicide, will determine how you react and respond to warning signs that a person may demonstrate. Your attitude will affect how you behave. Whether you choose to ignore warning signs or take action and why you choose to do so could make a difference. Your attitude could either hinder or enhance the likelihood that you would save a life or not!