Monday, March 1, 2010

Another sad loss..18 years old!

Our heart goes out to all the members of the Osmond family. The news tries to report a bit about the tragedy and that is greatly appreciated because any conversation about suicide is better than none. But we as a society cannot possibly learn what we must in order to prevent suicides like this very sad tragedy by listening to a few minutes on the news.

However, why does it take these kinds of tragedies to provoke discussion or education for all?

Please know that suicidal ideation or the thoughts of suicide do not happen over night. Those who commit suicide usually take days, months and even years to finally make the decision to do so. Please know that there are warning signs and there are specific things to say and do if we want to prevent suicide.

Everyone must learn these basic skills. As stated many times in my writings, everyone agrees that people should learn CPR and First Aid skills, well there are suicide prevention skills training that every person can learn also.

Please seek out a suicide prevention person/trainer and learn so that you are prepared, informed, and able to prevent suicide when it presents itself in your world!

ASIST is a wonderful program but there are others as well.

Contact me if interested in learning more!

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